
How I support you

Even if you cannot find what you've expected or what you're looking for, please feel free to contact me.
let us discuss how I can best support you and / or your company in solving your concern or achieving your goals.

My offer


 Take advantage of mine years of experience in management and marketing large international companies.

With my professional as well as interpersonal skills I am by your side and can advise you on a strategic level as well as support you in implementation.

Collaboration in decentralized teams, with various service providers and international organizations (on company, customer and client side) made me experience many complex situations. My advice therefore always is very practice-oriented and at times also pragmatic - because theoretical models often reach their limits.

Based on your given framework I will show how to achieve your goals - no matter whether the goal or the path is defined.

• Marketing consulting
• Management advice
• Business consulting
• Project management (classic & agile)
• Process optimisation
• Concept development
• Text creation
• etc.

Seminars & lectures

Experiencing and learning together in a group has many advantages. The exchange of thoughts, ideas, views and experiences helps to build up, grasp and internalize new knowledge faster.

No matter if it is about technical topics where "Hard Skills" are taught or social subjects and "Soft Skills" are needed to expand.

I convey both technical and social topics as an experienced trainer, moderator and workshop facilitator very effective and entertaining. I have held countless workshops, moderated many lectures and numerous discussions - both in my time as a manager and in my self-employment.

Together we define goal setting & content, as well as format. I can often fall back on existing material and advise. In other cases I can design something new based on your briefing.

Possible topics:
• Personal development
• Change Management
• Creative decision-making techniques
• Outplacement and career planning
• Project management
• Mobile working
• etc.

Life & Business Coaching

Coaching is not about showing the client (also called a coachee) solutions, but rather to accompany on her/his personal way to solve the issue.

The coachee is the expert in her/his life and the situation. The coach, on the other hand, knows the appropriate methods that help to approach the individual solution. So he is the expert in the process.

Coaching therefore is clearly different from consulting.

As a certified Systemic Coach, I am trained to accompany clients on their way without influencing on their decisions - no suggestions or recommendations are made.

The issue can arise from the personal private environment or from a corporate context - so life or business coaching.

If changes are taking place in the corporate environment, team coaching can make sense. The key word here is Change Management - I am happy to support you and your team with this too.

My philosophy

Clear objectives

Before the starting shot is fired, the first thing to do is to clearly define the goal - what exactly should be achieved? The briefing is the basis of everything.

SMART goals should always be defined - goals that are specific, measurable, activating, reasonable and time-bound.

Before we get started, I'll ask you specific questions on the project. So the conditions and thus the expectations are clearly known & defined for both sides.

Careful planning

The second point that is very important: a well-founded and in-depth planning of the project.

The plan is not only important in terms of resource planning but also has as a control function and is a basic prerequisite of a transparent communication.

It is not always necessary to describe every single detail, but at least the so-called Milestones must clearly be defined.

Depending on the topic, project management can also be done in an agile manner.

Highest quality

I attach great importance to first-class quality. Do it right or don't do it at all. I don't do things by halves.

Before a decision is made and a process starts, I critically question whether this is really the best way to go. I am constantly wondering whether there is a better solution.

Kyocera founder Dr. Kazuo Inamori called this "always seeking better ways":
"Is it the best way? You should continuously seek to improve your work - to make your work better today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today."

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